Blog Archives

106. River City Ransom

River City Ransom (1990, NES) by American Technos

Current Leaderboard (

This is such an odd game, both casually and as a speedrun.  That’s easy enough for me to say, honestly; most of the games in the AVGN Trials are odd at best...

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120. Sonic the Hedgehog 2

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (1992, Genesis) by Sega

Current Beat the Game (Glitchless) Leaderboard (

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Genesis)
-Skate or Die! (NES)
-Bad Dudes (NES)
-Karate Champ (NES)
-Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis)
-Sonic Blast (Game Gear)
-Sonic Labyrinth (Game Gear)
-Sonic R (Saturn...

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118. Alien³

Alien³ (1993, NES) by LJN

Current All Prisoners Leaderboard (

I’ve never been a fan of “adult” games on the NES, or any real classic consoles.  No, I’m not talking about games like Peek-A-Boo Poker or some smut on the Atari 2600 (thus why I’m not speedrunning anything from the Atari Porn episode)...

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103. Kid Kool

Kid Kool and the Quest for the Seven Wonder Herbs (1990, NES) by Vic Tokai

Current Any% Leaderboard (

120 games into the Trials, and all the time I’m asked, “Which game are you most afraid off, going forward?”  The thing is, the games I feared early on always ended up not being that bad...

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122. Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing

Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing (2003, PC) by GameMill Publishing

View the current “100%” leaderboard on

This is not a game.

A game has an objective.  You can win or lose a game.  There are goals, and enemies, opponents, or adversaries in some way in a game.  Games are usually structured and have rules...

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117. Skykid

Sky Kid (1987, NES) by Sunsoft

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Sky Kid is a game.  The end.

Ok, ok… it really isn’t that bad.  Sky Kid is one of the earliest shmups on the NES, released by Sunsoft early in the NES’ life...

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104. Nintendo World Championships

Nintendo World Championships (1990, NES) by Nintendo & Square

Current Any% (25 lines) Leaderboard (

If you haven’t heard the legend of the Nintendo World Championships, I’ll give you the Cliff’s Notes version: the NWC was a competition held in 1990, and lots of prizes were given away...

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111. RealSports Baseball

RealSports Baseball (1982, Atari 2600) by Atari

Current Any% Leaderboard (

RealSports Baseball (Atari 2600)
-Football (Atari 2600)
-RealSports Football (Atari 2600)
-Super Challenge Football (Atari 2600)
-Super Football (Atari 2600)
-Basketball (Atari 2600)
-Home Run (Atari 2600)

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101. Contra

Contra (1987, NES) by Konami

Current Any% Leaderboard (

Another game I was “forced” to learn before the Trials called it up, I learned Contra for the Big 20 #13 race...

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123. Desert Bus (Penn & Teller’s Smoke and Mirrors)

Desert Bus (Penn & Teller’s Smoke and Mirrors) (1995, Sega CD) by Absolute Entertainment

Current Desert Bus Leaderboard (

First, let me preface this “review” and synopsis with this statement: any harsh judgment I have for this game is unwarranted, as this was never truly released, and thus undeserved...

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