Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero (1997, Nintendo 64) by Midway Games
Current Any% Speedrun.com leaderboard (filter to N64)
This was something I was not looking forward to at all...
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This was something I was not looking forward to at all...
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Elmo loves silly speedruns.
Elmo’s game has surprisingly decent graphics and sound, with music and voices directly from the show.
Elmo’s game controls decently, and the ONLY thing that saves this game from being a silly meme run is some interesting...
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This is a silly speedrun. Let’s keep it real.
Porky’s is a late-Atari 2600 (VCS) game released by Fox in the heat of the 1983 video game crash. It sold relatively poorly...
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Tina, Y U Do Dis?
Why would you allow yourself to be kidnapped by a cliché monster and force your boyfriend, the brave Master Higgins, to travel via skateboard over dangerous cliffs, oceans, and flaming skulls to fight a cat monster luchalibré wrestle...
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Do you remember Alf? I honestly had completely forgotten the 1980’s sitcom entirely until the Nerd reviewed this Sega Master System “gem” in 2014...
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Some say that E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial is the worst game ever made. I say to those folks that you’re wrong. Sure, this is not a great game at all...
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When I made the original list of 139 games, which was to be speedran in the year from June 2018 to June 2019, I have to admit, as confident as I was that I could do most of the games, there were a few in that list that outright ter...
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I love Beijing Tiananmen…
I do not love this game though.
Now, let’s be fair, this was never going to be a great speedrun, or a great game to play. Not in its’ pure form, at least...
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When this game came up, I was actually excited. Despite it being unlicensed, I thought the gameplay would be fun! The graphics were awful and the music is either decent or ear-piercing, but I had hopes...
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Chat was telling me that this was an arcade title before an NES one, which Wikipedia confirms. I swear I remember seeing it in arcades as a kid, but can’t recall playing it ever. My helmet was probably on too tightly...
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